A brand new poster prize, sponsored by BIR, was launched at the International Congress on DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology, held in Bergen, Norway in June 2013.
The winner of the prize was Professor Yuka Hotokezaka who presented a poster entitled 'In Vitro Measurement Of Apoptotic And Non-apoptotic Cells Using Diffusion-weighted MR'.
Professor Hotokezaka studied at Nagasaki University School of Dentistry, obtaining DDS and PhD degrees. She now works as Senior Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiology and Cancer Biology at Nagasaki University School of Dentistry.
The prize was presented by Sophia Anderton, Head of Publications (BIR) and Ralf Schulze, Editor (DMFR) at the meeting in Bergen. Unfortunately Professor Hotokezaka was unable to attend in person to receive the award, but she said “I am very glad to hear the news. It is a great honour.”