SIG Vacancies

The following  SpeciaL Interest Groups (SIGs) s have vacancies   within the Management Group:

  • BIR Leadership & Management SIG - this group are very keen to recruit more leaders in clinical roles onto the managment group. 
  • BIR MRI SIG - applications from all disciplines will be considered to join our management group. 
  • BIR Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging (NMMI) SIG - applications from all disciplines will be considered to join our management group. 
  • BIR Young Professionals & Trainees SIG - this SIG have a strong radiologist representation but are eager to recruit early career radiographers and medical physicists. Students are also welcome to apply. 


You will be required to attend three meetings a year (one in person) and will be at the centre of the BIR educational programme, proposing and devising new educational events and webinars as well as commenting on guidance documents and statements. 

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