Abstract submission guidelines


  • Abstracts should be submitted by the abstract submission deadline date (before 5pm, unless specified).  Abstracts received after this deadline will NOT be accepted. Posted abstracts will not be accepted.

  • Unless specified we will only accept one abstract submission per person per presenting author. If you wish to submit any further abstracts, these will only be considered if you are a co-author and the presenting author is registered for the meeting.

  • Authors must specify whether they are submitting an abstract for an oral presentation or poster presentation.

  • The accuracy of the submitted abstract is the responsibility of the authors, so authors should prepare and proofread their abstracts carefully before submitting to ensure it is the final version.

  • Changes will not be permitted once the abstract has been submitted and you have received your confirmation email.

  • All abstract submissions that are accepted for oral or poster presentation may be published in the BIR event programme. Every effort will be made to publish the abstract exactly as submitted. Errors made on the submitted abstract are likely to appear in print.

  • All correspondence relating to abstracts will be undertaken by email with the first named author/registered presenter, so it is their responsibility to communicate any relevant information regarding the submitted abstract and the conference to the other authors.

  • By submitting an abstract, the first named author confirms on behalf of the co-authors that the abstract is their own original work, is not defamatory or unlawful, does not infringe anyone else’s rights and that they have obtained any necessary permissions relating to images and data submitted. In addition the first named author must ensure that he/she has the approval and copyright assignment from any co-authors and contributors involved in the work in order to ensure that the copyright is capable of being assigned to the BIR.


Attendance at event

  • If an abstract is accepted the presenting author must register and pay to attend the event/relevant day of the event. If the author does not register and pay, the poster may be withdrawn.

  • Please note that failure to register may result in your abstract being withdrawn from the conference. Registration, travel and accommodation charges are the responsibility of the presenter.

  • Attending co-authors will need to register independently at the applicable rate if they wish to attend any part of the event / conference.


For oral presentations:

  • The full presentation of accepted oral presentations must be submitted by e-mail to the BIR (conference@bir.org.uk) no later than one week before the event. This will ensure your presentation is loaded onto the system and is working correctly.  However you should bring a further copy on a memory stick as back up.

  • You give BIR permission to film or photograph your presentation at the meeting, which may be used on the BIR website. Please state in your submitting email if you do not wish us to film or photograph your presentation.


For poster/ePoster presentations:

  • All paper posters must be A0 size (841 × 1189 mm) (unless specified), but can be portrait or landscape.

  • If a pdf or JPEG of your accepted poster is requested, it must be submitted by e-mail to the BIR (conference@bir.org.uk) no later than 2 weeks before the event. Failure to provide this pdf or JPEG file may result in the poster being withdrawn.

  • It is the responsibility of the first author/ named person to ensure the poster is on display in time for the beginning of the event, and must not be removed until the last refreshment break has finished.     

  • Authors may, if they wish, provide A4 hand-outs or notes on their posters for delegates. It is the authors’ responsibility to bring these to the event. In addition, authors should be available to discuss their poster with meeting delegates so they should indicate the day / time they will be available at their poster display.

  • Any posters remaining on site at the end of the event will be disposed of.

  • Authors must take responsibility for the delivery, display and collection of their posters.

  • The BIR does not accept liability for loss of or damage to posters.