
BIR Strategy 2022-2027

This Strategic Plan is the culmination of several months of consultation, research, data analysis and discussion led by the BIR Council and including committees, members, partners and staff. It follows from and builds on the 2017-22 Strategic Plan.

The BIR is a charity and its most important consideration is the impact it will have in helping to improve medicine, health and patient care through imaging and radiation oncology. This Plan will see our membership rise, journal readership grow, and an increase in the number of professionals provided with education. We will extend our reach beyond our traditional membership to assist professionals such as nurses and sonographers who are under-supported with regard to imaging and oncology content. We will provide free or affordable support to colleagues in low income countries and will provide information for members of the public.

The next five years will focus on accelerating the BIR’s growth in terms of the outcomes we achieve and the impact we make, with a focus on six main drivers:

1. Building a sustainable organisation capable of greater impact

a. Ensuring the BIR remains financially sustainable in a changing environment, by focusing on our fastest growing areas: delivering education to more people, growing our membership, and growing our Open Access publishing

b. Better engaging with the Institute’s volunteers, whose motivation, expertise and skill is central to the success of the organisation

c. Reviewing and articulating the BIR’s values, to better engage all those involved in our work and position the BIR within its wider community

d. Representing the BIR as a contemporary brand with authority and heritage.

2. Growing internationally to become global in our scope and reach

Becoming an international organisation, serving professionals around the world as part of our core offering

3. Providing more support to colleagues in low income countries

Supporting professionals in low income countries with lower priced and/or free content

4. Growing our use of online to facilitate participation

Making greater use of online platforms to facilitate participation by those who find it harder to travel to in-person events and activity – due to professional or personal commitments, location, or budget

5. Becoming more truly multidisciplinary

Becoming a truly multidisciplinary organisation: a home for all those involved with imaging and radiation oncology, providing real value for radiographers, scientists, radiologists, oncologists, dosimetrists and people in related industries, and also welcoming professions not traditionally associated with the BIR such as sonographers, nurses, technologists, and HCAs

6. Engaging the general public

Helping the public better understand imaging and radiation oncology.


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