About us

The British Institute of Radiology is the international membership organisation for everyone working in imaging, radiation oncology and the underlying sciences


Our vision is to:

Support the work of our members and their colleagues to achieve professional excellence

Provide continuing professional development for our multidisciplinary community

Publish cutting edge research for our authors and readers across the world

Influence and connect with the wider professional sector

Our mission statement:

Working together to improve medicine, health and patient care through the science and practice of imaging and radiation oncology


 Core values:

  • We believe in the value of multidisciplinary collaboration to combat disease;
  • We believe that every effort should be made to optimise the use of radiation in healthcare and in the diagnosis and treatment of disease;
  • We believe that research and education are vitally important; and  consider all our members to be equal regardless of profession or grade.


You can read about our strategy for 2022-2027 here




Registered charity no: 215869

Patron: Her Majesty the Queen (1958-2022)


Whether you are a radiologist, radiographer, medical physicist, radiotherapist, oncologist or a company working in the field of radiology, there is a membership to suit you.

Why Katy Szczepura joined BIR
Why Katy Szczepura joined BIR

I would definitely recommend BIR membership to medical physicists. It's a forum where you can bring your specialist knowledge of your field into a multi-professional forum, which is incredibly important for developing the highly innovative discipline of radiology.

Katy Szczepura, medical physics lecturer at The University of Salford 

Contact us
020 3668 2220