External events


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NAME OF EVENT: World Radiology and Medical Imaging Conference (WRMI25)

DATE: March 08-09, 2025

VENUE: Bangkok, Thailand

EVENT DESCRIPTION: We warmly invite your team as Speakers/Delegates. On behalf of the Organising Committee, we extend a warm and cordial welcome to you to be part of World Radiology & Medical Imaging Conference (WRMI25), held conjointly with multifarious scientific researchers, eminent associates and scholars from around the globe during March 08-09, 2025. It is an immense pleasure and privilege to have you here with us to honour your hard-earned scientific discoveries and innovations, and we would like you to share and extend your valuable thoughts to the global scientific community. World Radiology & Medical Imaging Conference (WRMI25) will be organised around the theme ‘Radiology and Medical Imaging: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century’. It is the leading conference about Radiology and Medical Imaging, Research in clinical practice, and Research innovations, giving an immense opportunity to Scientists, Researchers, Professors, Physicians, and Students worldwide to share the latest Market Trends and research findings. It’s also a unique chance to learn from the most interesting scientific event. It not only presents innovative solutions to the public in the fields of Radiology and Medical Imaging but also offers an excellent opportunity for Universities, Institutions, and Business Delegates to connect with world-class scientists and speakers at our WRMI25. This is a chance to discuss new thoughts and advancements in the field of Radiology and Medical Imaging, and to build valuable connections in the scientific community.

URL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:https://radiology.episirus.org/ 


CT Imaging - Non-Traumatic Neck Emergencies

Date: 29 August 2024


Have you ever wished you were more comfortable in reporting emergency scans of the neck during your on-call shifts? This workshop is for you. Emergency radiologist and neck expert Fausto Labruto will guide you through the anatomy and pathology of adult and paediatric neck emergencies, emphasizing pattern-based diagnosing and problem-solving in acutely ill patients

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Musculoskeletal MRI Fellowship – Lower extremity

Date: 2-4 Sept 2024


Join leading MSK radiologist Dr. Roar Pedersen as he walks participants through the most common MR studies of the lower extremities (knee, ankle, and more) through a series of lectures combined with hands-on case readings followed by group discussions.

Further information



Prostate Cancer MRI Fellowship

Date: 4-6 Sept 2024


Learn about state of the art review of the use of multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) and whole-body MR imaging of prostate cancer by immersing yourself in a learning environment during 3 consecutive days. Guided by the expert on Prostate MRI, Dr. Kai Vilanova, discuss MRI findings of the prostate and pelvis through a series of lectures followed by group and individual case readings.

Further information

ONLINE Advanced Prostate Cancer Imaging Fellowship - MRI & Whole Body MRI

Date: 16 - 18 Sept 2024


This 3-day online cancer imaging fellowship covers key topics related to MRI of prostate cancer and provides intermediate and advanced knowledge. We will discuss MRI findings of the prostate, pelvis and whole body with a lecture, followed by individual case reading with subsequent group discussion.

Further information

NeuraCeq® Reader Training-delivered by Prof Vineet Prakash

DATE(S): 20th September 2024 and 8th Nov 2024

VENUE:2.5 hour on-line 13.30pm-16.00pm.

EVENT DESCRIPTION:Limited places available. Agenda-Relevant information on NeuraCeq® -Brain Anatomy overview: -Helpful landmarks and regions of interest for -NeuraCeq® scan reading -Rules and protocol for reading NeuraCeq® images: -Normal scan -Abnormal scan -Additional tips for interpretation: -Technical quality assessment: motion, normal variants, head tilts -Tools in clinical practice: gamma correction, co-registration with CT/MR -Atrophy signs -Challenging interpretations -Scoring NeuraCeq® scans -Quantification NeuraCeq® reader training certification required to order NeuraCeq®



Sports Injuries MRI Fellowship - Upper extremity

Date: 25-27 Sept 2024


This 3-day musculoskeletal imaging fellowship with top MSK radiologist Dr. Phillip Tirman, will help you feel more comfortable in reading MR imaging of sports injuries of the upper extremity. The fellowship is interactive with a series of lectures, individual readings of select cases, and group discussions guided by our mentor.

Further information

ICIS SGCR-WIRES 2024. 23rd International cancer Imaging Society Meeting jointly presented with the Singapore Radiological Society and the College of Radiology, Singapore

Date: 27-29 September 2024

Venue: Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore.

Meeting President Prof Pek Lan Khong, abstract deadline 31 May 2024.

Further information


Date: 27th September 2024


Radionuclide therapies and theranostics are expanding and exciting. A multidisciplinary approach and relevant knowledge transfer are essential for the best use of radionuclide therapies. Join us in London to discuss radionuclide therapies and share your experience.

Further information

King’s College London: CMR - Theory and Practical Applications for Radiographers

Dates:      Tuesday 1 - Wednesday 2 October 2024

Venue:     London or Online MS Teams

To register, click here 

 The 2-day course covers basic MRI safety/physics and focuses on the theory and practical skills involved with carrying out a simple CMR procedure as well as the more complex scans such as Perfusion imaging and Aortogram. We provide an exceptional faculty of internationally renowned experts in the field of cardiac MRI.


Neuroanatomy for Imagers

Date: 10 October 2024

Hybrid: MS Teams / St Thomas' Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7EH

The course has been designed for people working in imaging but with no neuroanatomical background. It will introduce participants to the basic principles of the anatomy, the function of the nervous system, the major anatomical constituents and parts of the brain. Professor Alexander Hammers has been running the course since 2015 using a combination of live and interactive sessions.

Further information

ESCR Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Date: 24-26 October, 2024

Venue: Dubrovnik/Croatia

The European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology is delighted to announce the ESCR Annual Scientific Meeting 2024. The programme includes many state-of-the-art educational sessions for experienced cardiovascular radiologists, but also for radiologists just entering the field, as well as for radiographers. During scientific sessions, you will be able to share your latest research results in the form of oral or poster presentations and discuss them with your colleagues. During the meeting, you can meet world-renowned experts in cardiovascular radiology in a warm and friendly atmosphere and learn about the latest achievements.

Further information


Date: 2-4 December 2024

Venue: etc.venues 155 Bishopsgate, London

BRAIN Conference, now in its fifth year, is dedicated to neurovascular diseases. A national and international faculty will gather under one roof to provide education on several topics, including stroke, aneurysms, new technology and much more!

The course directors, Dr Paul Bhogal, Dr Levansri Makalanda and Dr Oliver Spooner, are offering 30 free three-day, in-person passes to the 2024 BRAIN Conference! Available to UK-based trainee doctors and interventional neuroradiologists in training, places will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

Further information

Electrical requirements for the electrical installation of medical radiological equipment


The course will consider the radiological aspects of the 2017 DH guidance “HTM06-01 Electrical services supply and distribution”. The new guidance has been re-structured and is more clearly split into two major policies – business risk and patient risk.  The requirements of this document need to be understood when a new radiology room is purchased especially that from now on, electrical installations compliance management will now be measured under the NHS Performance Assessment Model (PAM).

The course is for experienced project managers, medical and x-ray engineers and focuses on the relevant points for medical radiological installations.  There is a summary session at the beginning of the course that other healthcare staff may wish to attend in order to attain a brief overview of the new document.  This summary session would be aimed at radiographers and medical physics experts who are involved with medical radiological equipment purchasing and commissioning, and will explain the new policies and gives reference to the relevant sections of the guidance.

This short course is intended to be run at the customer’s site at their convenience.  

For further information please visit: http://medical-locations.co.uk/

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