Global Future of Imaging

The Global Future of Imaging, published on 6 November 2019, is a 24 page report with insight from some of the foremost imaging professionals from around the world.

Radiology is helping to transform healthcare as it advances at an accelerating rate. The BIR World Partner Network—a global collection of leading societies representing around 600,000 imaging and oncology professionals—collaborated to produce a global barometer showing the changes that are emerging locally and worldwide. 

Presidents and senior officers of 18 professional societies answered a series of questions about the future of imaging: what they considered would be the single most positive development in the next 10 years; the biggest obstacle to progress in imaging in the world; and how imaging professionals can prepare themselves for future success. The result is this fascinating report showing where imaging is heading, how this diverges from country to country, and what the key challenges and opportunities are for imaging professionals.



Global Future of Imaging

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