AXREM publish Sustainability Manifesto

16 September 2024

AXREM is the UK trade association representing the interests of suppliers of diagnostic medical imaging, radiotherapy, healthcare IT and care equipment including patient monitoring in the UK.

AXREM members are committed to championing social value within our industry, in line with NHS commitments. Recognising the connection of social, environmental, and economic factors, members strive to promote initiatives that benefit society as a whole, while aligning the goals of their organisation, with that of the NHS.

We acknowledge the pressing imperative to tackle climate change, particularly its profound impact on public health, including heightened rates of cardiovascular disease, asthma, and cancer among the population, which directly concerns the NHS. AXREM members, are steadfast in their commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and actively support the NHS Net Zero roadmap.

Recognising that the NHS can influence supplier emissions through greener procurement practices, AXREM understands the pivotal role industry must play in achieving these goals. Therefore, collaboration between the NHS and its suppliers is indispensable for success.

The core value within our manifesto include: Shaping the future for generation to come, Equity & inclusion, Community engagement, Ethical practices and empowerment.

The manifesto contains a number of calls to action and we are calling on the NHS to engage with the industry at the earliest opportunity, on the development of a pragmatic, and cost effective, approach to product carbon footprinting. We encourage the NHS to continue to engage with AXREM and industry stakeholders at the earliest opportunity and to view industry as a valuable partner in achieving their Net Zero ambitions.

To mark the publication of the manifesto AXREM has been working with Wilder Carbon and members will be meeting later today (Friday 13th September) at the Wilder Blean Initiative managed by Kent Wildlife Trust. In the UK, lack of woodland management is one of the eight biggest drivers of species decline.

Thanks to funds raised by players of People’s Postcode Lottery, Kent Wildlife Trust and Wildwood Trust have partnered up to show how European bison can provide a sustainable solution to woodland management in south east England.

Similar projects across Europe have proved that bison, known as ‘ecosystem engineers’, can restore the natural biodiversity of a landscape. Natural bison behaviours - grazing, dust bathing, eating bark and felling trees - enable other species to thrive. The presence of bison at the Blean, alongside Exmoor ponies and Iron-Age pigs, will transform the woods into a lush, thriving, biodiverse environment once more.

AXREM members will get the opportunity to hear about how the animals are managing the land naturally, including the specific habits and characteristics of each of the species that led to them being chosen for the project. The guide on their safari will also explain how the animals' behaviour will replace some of the management normally carried out by humans with machinery in the woodland, how their presence should breathe life back into the landscape, improving habitats and increasing biodiversity, and how their impact will be monitored moving forward.

Helen Gillespie-Brown, Wilder Carbon Business Development Manager said“We are delighted to be hosting AXREM at the Wilder Blean initiative to help support the launch of their new Sustainability manifesto as well as sharing more about how Wilder Carbon are attempting to address climate change and biodiversity loss through nature restoration.Nature is, after all, the infrastructure on which we all ultimately rely.  We need to protect and restore carbon rich native habitats across the UK for climate, for wildlife, and for society.”

Chris Taylor, AXREM Sustainability & Social Value Special Focus Group Convenor and Sustainability Lead UKI at Philips Healthcare said

“At AXREM we recognise thatcollaboration is key function in achieving a more sustainable healthcare Industry. So, we are proud to align the launch of our sustainability manifesto, with impactful environmental initiatives like the Wilder Blean project, run by Kent Wildlife Trust, which work to transform woodlands into a lush, thriving, biodiverse environment once more.

Much like our manifesto, that seeks to support the NHS and the wider healthcare Industry, in creating a more Sustainable healthcare system, supporting Net Zero targets, Promoting Diversity and Inclusion, Supporting Communities, Abolishing Modern Slavery, Education and Awareness, as well as External engagement.

By collaborating to support such initiatives, we aim to create a greener, healthier future for communities, wildlife, and healthcare alike”.

Sally Edgington, AXREM Chief Executive Officer said “AXREM are very proud of the work being done by our members and the special focus group, so to be able to set out our work and the calls to action in this manifesto, means we can start new conversations, continue others and ensure that industry do everything they can to help the NHS achieve their bet zero ambitions”.

You can download a copy of the sustainability manifesto here:

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