W V Mayneord
The April 1928 issue included a long paper by W V Mayneord (Mayneord BJR 1928; 1(4): 125-138) discussing experimental and theoretical studies in the measurement of X-ray intensity. This was an important topic in the 1920s since radiotherapy could only be placed on a firm scientific basic if radiation dosage could be measured accurately. Mayneord described a standard ionisation chamber for use in X-ray intensity measurement. It would be difficult to overestimate the contribution that Mayneord made to the development of medical physics both in the UK and worldwide. In August 1928 he wrote on the effects of X-radiation on blood (Mayneord BJR 1928; 1(8): 257-262).
Image source: Mayneord BJR 1928; 1(8): 257-262
Sidney Russ
Sidney Russ was Professor of Physics at the Middlesex Hospital and made major contributions to medical physics over a long career. He could be described as the first true hospital physicist. He gave a broadcast talk on the London Wireless Station on the 7th November 1928 and this was reproduced in the December 1928 BJR (Russ BJR 1928; 1(12): 487-489) and is worth reading.