1960s radiography

Dental tomography

In an interesting paper Sydney Blackman from the Royal Dental Hospital described dental rotational tomography in July 1960 (Blackman BJR 1960; 33 (391): 408-418). The apparatus is described and the use illustrated. His daughter Rita Mason who was a radiographer appeared on figure 2 as the model.

 Sinus radiography

Image source: Blackman BJR 1960; 33 (391): 408-418


Image intensification

JF Fowler from Hammersmith Hospital compared the then available techniques for image intensification in June 1960 (Fowler BJR 1960; 33 (390): 352-357). In May 1961 JJ Stevenson from the Royal Marsden Hospital gave a very interesting and beautifully illustrated review of television techniques in radiology (Stevenson BJR 1961; 34 (401): 273-285).

J Roylance from Bristol reviewed the current developments in image intensification in June 1962 (Roylance BJR 1962: 35 (414): 409-417) and its use in the opaque meal (barium meal) is described. There are nice illustrations of the apparatus with the output of the intensifier being viewed through binoculars. In 1964 Eric Samuel and MD Sumerling from Edinburgh assessed the 70mm camera which replaced the mirror optics of the image intensifier (Samuel and Sumerling BJR 1964; 37 (440): 620-624). The illustration of the apparatus shows the mirror used to view the image intensifier clearly. 

Philips intensifier

Image source: Samuel and Sumerling BJR 1964; 37 (440): 620-624



In the 1960s there was interest in the use of thermal measurements in imaging. In June 1969 Janet Draper and Colin Jones from the Royal Marsden Hospital described thermal patterns in the female breast (Draper and Jones BJR; 42 (498):  401-410) and reviewed the technique  and DJ Watmough and R Oliver from Oxford looked at the emission of infrared radiation from human skin (Watmough and Oliver BJR 1969; 42 (498):  411-415).

Breast thermograph

Image source: Watmough and Oliver BJR 1969; 42 (498):  411-415

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