Dr Teik Choon See

Dr See is a Consultant Interventional Radiologist at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CUH). He has varied experience in service delivery, patient safety, education and research. He was Clinical Director at CUH for 7 years overseeing transformation of the directorate. Along with the BIR, he initiated the East of England BIR Branch and established many successful educational events. He previously served at BIR Council on 2011-2014. Dr See has extensive experience in safety and quality having previously chaired the Audit & Registries Committee and Safety & Quality Committee at the British Society of Interventional Radiology and currently the Patient Safety Advisor for the Royal College of Radiologists. He also chairs an Expert Advisory Group for the MHRA. He was the organiser and faculty for many national and international events including Scientific Programme Committee for the RCR and BIR. He is also active in editorial including specialist advisory role for NICE and collaborated in various clinical trials.
