may be feeling the pinch of austerity cuts in the UK, but have you ever wondered how services manage their funding in low-income countries? Many get support from charities such as the World Radiography Educational Trust Fund (WRETF), which is supported by the BIR.
The WRETF promotes the improvement of radiographic science and education overseas in Africa, South America, Nepal and Indonesia, by providing support in the form of textbooks (new and used), journals, other educational material and grants to support either research or workshops.
The WRETF is involved in a pilot scheme with four facilities to deliver digital educational resources via WiFi onto tablets.
The charity has set up an initiative for individuals or imaging departments to be “twinned” with another in a developing country. All will benefit through this partnership—the departments in low-income countries receive fairly recent journals, including those donated by the BIR, to help them improve their knowledge and thus benefit their patients, and their partner learns about working practices in low-income countries.
In 2012, six new ambassadors were established to spread the word about the work of the WRETF. They also try to find departments that might benefit from the WRETF’s support. Ambassadors are currently based in Argentina, France, UK, USA and New Zealand, and we are very keen to develop the network far and wide.
How can you help the WRETF?
- Donate your radiographic textbooks—new or used (but preferably these should be not more than five years old).
- Consider twinning, either as an individual or through your department, with a department in a low-income country. This really is a great opportunity to make your educational contributions to others who can only dream of continuing professional development.
To give your journals or talk about becoming an ambassador, contact Sue Marchant: susan.marchant2@btinternet.com
To make a donation, please contact Alan Budge: abudge@btinternet.com
The WRETF was established by the International Society of Radiographers and Radiologic Technologists (ISRRT) in 1969. It became a charity in its own right in 1977 and functions independently with no financial support from the ISRRT.
Photos (left to right): Dr A Yule, Chief Executive Officer of the International Society of Radiographers and Radiologic Technologists (ISRRT); Professor Mary Lovegrove, Trustee [World Radiography Educational Trust Fund (WRETF)]; Sue Marchant, Honorary Secretary (WRETF); Alan Budge, Honorary Treasurer (WRETF); and Ann Paris, Trustee (WRETF).