From 1 April 2013, all research funded by Research Councils UK (RCUK) must be published in journals which are compliant with the research councils’ open access (OA) policy.
BIROpen, the BIR’s OA option for our journals BJR and DMFR, is fully compliant with RCUK’s requirements, as well as those of a wide range of international funders. The new OA policy dictates that RCUK-funded articles must either be made freely available upon publication under a CC-BY creative commons licence, or deposited in a non-commercial repository after a 12-month embargo period. As highlighted in a recent editorial, BJR and DMFR authors can opt to pay an article processing charge (APC) and have their work made freely available upon publication. To give our authors as much flexibility as possible, we offer two OA licencing options, differing in their terms for reuse of the work. You can read more about our OA option here.
In the absence of APC funds, BJR and DMFR authors can deposit their accepted, pre-production (author-generated post-print) article in a non-commercial repository at any time, or follow the green OA route and deposit the final version in a non-commercial repository after 12 months.