"The event was very well organised, covering all aspects of radiology. The quality of the speakers and the talks were of very high standard… I would definitely recommend this event to my colleagues."
Trainees preparing for interviews were treated to a day of information and top tips to support them get to the next stage of their career at a special event called "The future of radiology in the NHS: Top topics for interview" on Friday 15 November. The day was organised by the BIR Young Professionals and Trainee SIG.
The MacKenzie Davidson Lecture: Professor Erika Denton
Professor Erika Denton, National Clinical Director for Diagnostics, NHS England gave the Eponymous MacKenzie Davidson Lecture: The Impact of Changes in Imaging. This was an excellent overview of how radiology sits within the new structure of the NHS. President Professor Andrew Jones presented her with the MacKenzie Davidson medal after her talk.
Image: Professor Erika Denton with Professor Andrew Jones (left) and Dr Ausami Abbas (Chair of the BIR Trainees and Young Professionals Special Interest Group)
Medicine and politics: Current issues
Dr Jane Young, from the Whittington Hospital spoke with passion and experience about the current
issues in medicine and politics. Dr Fiona Pathiraja gave some advice about how radiologists can make a difference in their work and Dr John Curtis gave an excellent overview about the training of radiologists in the UK.
Representing the RCR, Vice President Dr Pete Cavanagh gave an entertaining projection of where radiology might be in 2030 and President Dr Giles Maskell inspired the audience with his experiences as a radiologist.
Top tips for interviews

"Made me feel much more confident about radiology interviews"
In the afternoon, delegates were put to the test with mock interviews and some essential pointers to
key interview skills.
"Excellent event; interesting presentations. Worth the money especially regarding specialty applications."
Trainees were able to network with colleagues and spend some time talking to representatives from GE and Philips about the latest innovations and equipment on offer in the workplace.
Image (above, left): The Young Professionals and Trainees (YPT) SIG with Professor Andrew Jones (centre)
Left to right: Dr Amrita Kumar, Dr Rajat Chowdhury, Dr Ausami Abbas, Ruth Threadgold (BIR Events Manager), Professor Andrew Jones, Dr Emma St Joseph, Dr Iosif Mendichovszky, Dr Rowena Johnson and Dr Hardi Madani.
Image (top, right) Dr Hardi Madani with Dr Jane Young from the Whittington Hospital.
Image (above, right) Dr John Curtis, with BIR President, Professor Andrew Jones.

(Image: left) Dr Fiona Pathiraja chats to members of the YPT SIG.
(Image: right) GE staff chat to trainees about new innovations in equipment.

(Image: left) Trainees enjoy a networking lunch
(Image: right) Philips staff deliver an informal lunchtime presentation.