Supporting your colleagues in Wales

Do you work in Wales and have a desire to make a difference in radiology, radiography and radiotherapy for your local colleagues?
If the answer is yes, you might be interested in applying for the role of Branch Chair for the Welsh Branch Committee. You will lead a group of multidisciplinary members from radiology, radiography, medical physics and industry. FIND OUT MORE
Interested applicants must be prepared to take this role on from the end of November 2013, when the current chair, Dr Gareth Tudor, Consultant Radiologist, Princess of Wales Hospital, Bridgend, (pictured, right) ends his term of office.
The successful applicant will:
• Have expertise, creativity and a desire to make a difference in the world of radiology, radiography and radiotherapy.
• Have the opportunity to influence national and international policy by contributing to the BIR and give advice on regulatory and research developments.
• Have expertise, professional knowledge and the organisational ability to develop scientific and educational meetings in the region and contribute to reports and publications for the BIR.
• Be prepared to attend the Branch Chairs’ meeting in London on an annual basis and devote time to preparing a report for the meeting.
Who should apply?
All professional groups (including radiologists, physicists, trainees, radiographers, managers, radiology nurses, clinical oncologists, dosimetrists and individuals from industry (with appropriate interests) are welcome to apply.
We welcome applicants in the early stages of their career as well as those with more experience, highly valuing commitment, drive and your willingness to volunteer time to both support the development of peers and influence policy at a senior level.
BIR members and non-members are invited to apply, although non-members will be required to subscribe as a full member before being able to participate.
What’s in it for you?
• The satisfaction of “giving back” your knowledge and expertise to support others.
• The chance to network with colleagues and share good practice.
• The opportunity to influence policy and have a voice in your area of interest.
• The chance to gain experience in conference organising and event management.
• The chance to demonstrate to your employers that you are prepared to “go the extra mile” to contribute to both your professional development and raising the profile of your organisation.
For an informal chat about this role and what’s involved, please contact Dr Gareth Tudor, the current chair, by email:
How to apply
To express interest in the role, simply send your CV and a short supporting statement about why you would like to take on this role to by 30 November 2013. Your application will be then be considered by the current branch committee members.