BIR responds to draft HSST Medical Physics curriculum

The BIR has recently been consulted on the draft curriculum for the Higher Specialist Scientist Training Scheme (HSST). Our response was necessarily high level as the draft is 247 pages long! Although the BIR has some concerns regarding the HSST proposals we hope we will be able to work collaboratively and constructively with the various groups responsible for the scheme to ensure that it meets our members’ needs.

The BIR response is as follows:

In general, this document seems inaccessible and is far too long and detailed, especially as practice is changing and the lists of knowledge points may evolve quite quickly.

The description of the scheme is fairly clear but:

  • Job descriptions and person specifications are mentioned but it is unclear who has responsibility for the content of these.
  • The doctoral level programme is delivered in partnership with specialist professional bodies and/or medical royal colleges. Why was BIR not consulted on those partnership discussions?
  • We support the notion of work-based learning. However, many good Medical Physics departments may not have access to HEI-standard teaching and research materials as required on page 18. Has consideration been given as to how access could be improved for NHS departments?
  • We support the ability of HSST trainees to undertake a broad range of modules in Stage 2 as this will encourage cross-specialism working and hopefully encourage more multi-disciplinary working.

Professor Andrew Jones (President) and Vice President for External Affairs, Andy Rogers




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