Our latest special feature, on Forensic Radiology, guest-edited by BJR Editor Guiseppe Guglielmi has just been published in this month’s issue of BJR.
This feature covers the recent development of the emerging field of forensic imaging, bridging the disciplines of radiology and forensic medicine. The articles cover the use of post-mortem CT and CT angiography, post-mortem MRI and post-mortem imaging and its relation and usefulness for clinical radiology, as well as articles describing the use of imaging technologies in the detection of drug smugglers.
The issue covers recent research and directions in this exciting and developing area, as well as highlighting training and standardisation as one of the major challenges of forensic radiology.
We hope this collection of articles sets the scene of where forensic radiology stands now and provides some insight in to the future directions of this rapidly-growing field.
Read these selected articles from the special feature now!
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Adult post-mortem imaging in traumatic and cardiorespiratory death and its relation to clinical radiological imaging Morgan B, Adlam D, Robinson C, Pakkal M, Rutty GN
Br J Radiol 2014; 87: 20130662. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20130662. B Morgan.
Forensic radiology special feature: preface Guglielmi G, Nasuto M
Br J Radiol 2014; 87: 20140153. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20140153. G Guglielmi.