Take a trip down memory lane as the BJR archive (1896–1927) is now available to view online
Browse through a current issue of BJR and you can read articles on anything from enhanced MRI treatment to radiology reporting. But have you ever wondered what appeared in the very first issues of what was to become BJR? Now is your chance to find out as BJR have digitised their journal archive from 1896–1927 and this is now available for browsing and downloading articles.
You can read about early-day developments in X-rays including articles on, X-ray plates, how X-rays were used to diagnose medical conditions and also technologies that were used to capture the early-day photographic images.
The advertisements in the journals also offer a fascinating insight into the fast-developing industry associated with the new technology. See the advert for the Super-Spektra intensifying screens or the Universal X-Ray unit.

Highlights of the collection include:
The meeting report of “The X-ray Society” – the origins of the BIR, the oldest radiological society in the world 1897
The origins of the BIR can be traced back to its first general meeting held on 3 June 1897 to form "The X-ray Society" and the meeting report was recorded in its journal known then as The Archives of the Röentgen Ray, July 1897, volume 2, issue 1. The article describes the formation of the society chaired by the first president, the well known physicist Professor Silvanus Thompson.
The early work of Röntgen by Silvanus P Thompson 1897
"The Röntgen Society" was named in honour of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen as he was the discoverer of X-rays. Professor Silvanus P Thompson describes his early work in the article “On the Nature of the Roentgen Rays”, July 1897, volume 2, issue 1, p. 3.
How to obtain a skiagram 1896
See the apparatus and method employed for obtaining a skiagram in this case of the leg in 1896, Archives of Clinical Skiagraphy, volume 1, issue 1, p. 5.

X-ray equipment in 1924
Want to see a photo of what the x-ray equipment looked like back in 1924?
This universal x-ray unit was used for radiography as well as for skin and deep therapy both in gynaecological and carcinoma work.
View the archive here