The Delivery of 21st Century Services – The Implications for the Evolution of the Healthcare Science Workforce

NHS Health Education England have produced a report which explores the changes to technology and service delivery models that will have implications for the evolution of the scientific workforce.
In response to the Francis Inquiry the quality of patient care will be re-affirmed and be
explicitly put at the heart of the NHS in an overhaul of the health and care system. The need
to constantly improve the quality of patient care within the context of a challenging economic
environment is the central theme of this report. It explores the implications for the scientific
workforce from the perspective of a patient centred workforce.

The report sets out key messages and actions for stakeholders to enable them to make informed investment decisions and plan effectively for the future workforce and aims to challenge employers and service commissioners to think differently about their workforce. The report will also be
of interest to all those who have a role to play in planning and developing tomorrow’s
scientific workforce.

Download report here

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