New BJR waiver scheme for developing countries

BIR OpenBJR’s latest article published under our BIR|Open model, ”The role of inflammation in contrast-induced nephropathy”, comes from researchers in Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya, and takes advantage of our open access waiver scheme, which allows authors based in developing countries to publish their work on an open access basis without incurring the usual processing charge. 

Lead author Dr Elijah Kwasa (pictured) summarises the impact of the BIR’s open access waiver option: Elijah Kwasa“The open access waiver scheme will allow many researchers and doctors to read the article and thus get it greater exposure than would otherwise be available”. He continues, saying he hopes the increased visibility of his paper “will provoke other researchers to revisit the issue of contrast induced nephropathy and establish a system of generation and application of data within a local population. This will enable home-grown solutions to local problems, wherever local may be.”


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