Siemens presented with BIR Corporate Award

Siemens 1The British Institute of Radiology (BIR) has awarded a special corporate award to Siemens in recognition of the sustained contribution from Siemens to the Institute over a number of years.The award was presented at the inauguration of the new President of the BIR, Dr David Wilson. Peter Harrison, Managing Director (healthcare sector), pictured left,  accepted the award on behalf of Siemens Healthcare.

Jacqueline Fowler, Chief Executive said “Siemens has been a loyal supporter of the BIR over many years. This support has not just been financial in nature, but has also included working collaboratively on our educational events including our cardiac CT course.  Through the support and corporate collaboration from Siemens we have established active committee members, a past president and a trustee. It is this in-kind support that is invaluable to us and the experience and skills from Siemens have brought huge benefits to the organisation.

Peter Harrison said “We are deeply honoured to receive this award. Siemens has always supported theSiemens award 2 core values of the Institute which complement our ambitions to improve healthcare through innovation. It is a pleasure and privilege to work together with the multi-disciplinary membership of the BIR to offer our clinical, scientific and commercial expertise to support the organisation.”

The event was also attended by Peter's predecessor, Gunter Dombrowe, who is also a BIR past president.

Image: Left to right: Andrew Jones, Peter Harrison, Gunter Dombrowe, David Wilson, Jacqueline Fowler



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