Full member conversion plan

The BIR has introduced a new membership schemes to allow current Trainees and Students to convert to Full membership with up to 40% discount over the next three years.  Existing Radiology Trainees and Radiographer Students are already converting and enjoying the benefits of this scheme. 

Until 31st March 2015, the BIR is extending this offer to all previous Trainee members.  It is easy to re-join.  Simply email us at membership@bir.org.uk or call us on 202 3668 2220 with your former membership number and we can re-start your membership and add your new subscription straight away. 


  •  Newly Qualified Consultant plan- if you have been on a Trainee membership plan and are now a Consultant, this plan is £100 (instead of £175) per year for the next three years.


  •  Student to Full member conversion plan– if you have been on a Student membership plan and are now a practicing Radiographer/Physicist or other equivalent, this plan is £35 (instead of £65) for the next two years.