IAEA seeks feedback on radiation protection report

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are calling for comments on a draft report on Radiation Protection and Safety in Medical Uses of Ionizing Radiation.

The purpose of the revised Safety Guide is to describe how to apply the revised BSS requirements to medical uses of ionizing radiation, including giving guidance on medical exposure (of patients, of carers and comforters, and of volunteers as part of a programme of biomedical research), occupational exposure, and public exposure.        

In providing this guidance each of the areas of diagnostic radiology, image guided interventional procedures, nuclear medicine, and radiotherapy will be covered separately.

Particular topics that will be elaborated include responsibilities of the various parties (including government, regulatory body, medical practitioners, medical physicists, and medical radiation technologists), the implementation of the principle of optimization, unintended and accidental medical exposures, records and review, and education and training.

Members can view the draft report here  

The BIR is collating comments and all members and non-members are advised to send their comments by 13 March 2015 to Andy Rogers, Vice President for External Affairs. Please email Andy.Rogers@nuh.nhs.uk          

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