DICOM sup 184 comments invited

Draft DICOM Supplement 184: Brachytherapy Delivery Instruction

Submit comments as soon as possible but no later than: 27 August 2015

All interested persons are invited to comment.  Recipients of this solicitation should feel free to forward it to anybody who may be interested in this topic but not now on DICOM e-mail lists. 

There is no cost or obligation associated with commenting and no membership in any committee is required to comment but commenters are requested to include their contact information with their comments.  The commenters are also invited to  request to be added to the e-mail list of  DICOM Working Group 06 (Base Standard) and DICOM WG-07 (the author of this Supplement,)  as Observers.

Observers will be kept appraised of further communications regarding this Supplement and other changes and updates of the DICOM Standard. (Visit the DICOM home page (http://dicom.medical.org) and click on the pink button to request to be added. (Note: one may request to be removed from the e-mail list at any time as jobs or interests change.)   

The Members of Working Group 6 (Base [DICOM] Standard), who are reviewing this Supplement, would appreciate any comments that you might like to make regarding its technical merits.

The Scope and Field of Application of Supplement 184 (reproduced from the document for your convenience:)

The modifications introduced by this supplement describe worklist support for the brachytherapy treatment management and treatment delivery systems. Intention is to offer similar level of support for brachytherapy treatment workflow as was introduced for the external beam radiotherapy in “Supplement 74: Utilization of Worklist in Radiotherapy Treatment Delivery”.

This is achieved by the addition of the following:

RT Brachy Application Setup Delivery Instruction Storage Composite IOD, which contains the data necessary to instruct a treatment delivery device on what is to be delivered. The key element of the IOD is the RT Brachy Delivery Instruction Module, which contains information on the RT Plan to be used, the channels within the plan that will actually be delivered or omitted.

This supplement is being driven by the desire to address the lack of support for brachytherapy treatment delivery workflow in the current standard.

Who can comment? 

All interested persons are invited to comment.  Recipients of this solicitation should feel free to forward it to anybody who may be interested in this topic but not now on DICOM e-mail lists.  There is no cost or obligation associated with commenting and no membership in any committee is required to comment but commenters will be requested to include their contact information with their comments. 

What will happen to your comments?  DICOMWorking Group 6 and DICOM WG-07 will review the comments and discuss their resolution.  This WG-06  is authorized by the DICOM Standards Committee to decide on the technical merits of the comments.

This is a new way for DICOM to solicit public comments:  For the last 20 plus years the public comments on draft DICOM Supplements were solicited to be submitted by a simple return e-mail (or fax.)   In 2015, the DICOM Secretariat has started to collect comments electronically; using a third party software, KAVI.  We hope that you will find the system easy to use.

Instructions for accessing the documents and submitting comments:

  1. As noted above the DICOM Secretariat (MITA/NEMA) uses a third party software,  KAVI, for the collection and management of the public comments. 
  1. 2.      Download document(s) to local drives:

Click on the links below to download the PDF, Word, and/or XML versions.  If the PDF version is different from any other format the PDF governs.

  1. 3.      Enter and submit comment(s):

When clicking on the“Comment” link below; the comment submission template appears.  You may complete multiple comment templates and submit as a single comment (“Save and add another”) or you may submit a single comment (“Save”) and restart the process to submit another comment.

               Forms of comments:

  • You may enter free text, attach a document containing your comments, or mark-up parts or the whole of the document and attach same.  
  • If your comments relate to several specific sections you can combine them in a single comment entry or make separate comment entries.

‘Download’ links:

Sup 184 PDF Document -    https://standards.nema.org/kws/public/document?document_id=13270&wg_abbrev=09-DICOM-2

 ‘Comment’ link:

Sup 184 Submit Comments – https://standards.nema.org/kws/public/add_comment?document_id=13270



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