If you need to know more about the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations [IR(ME)R] 2000 this document is for you. In a joint venture, The Royal College of Radiologists, The British Institute of Radiology and the Society and College of Radiographers, with support from Public Health England and the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine have developed a guide for everyone working in diagnostic and interventional radiology. The guidelines are designed to help radiology staff understand the implications of IR(ME)R, and its subsequent updates, in clinical radiology, and to support best practice in the implementation of IR(ME)R within clinical imaging departments.
You will get an explanation of the principles behind the regulations and seek to clarify common misconceptions. By providing practical advice and scenarios, the guidelines provide support to all staff groups delivering diagnostic and interventional imaging services involving radiation and will help to protect patients from the hazards associated with medical exposures involving ionizing radiation.
Download the guidance here
The next BIR event on IRMER takes place on 27 September 2019 in London. Find out more here