The BIR expands in the south west

Jenna Millington9 November 2015

We are delighted to announce the launch of a brand new regional branch in the south west of England. It will be chaired by Dr Jenna Millington, an army radiology registrar based in Plymouth.   Jenna is supported by a multidisciplinary committee which will lead on events and activities in the region.

 The committee held its first meeting in October and planning is underway for a launch event for April 2016 in Plymouth, which will be free for both members and non-members to attend.

south west branch committee

Images: Top: Dr Jenna Millington, Chair, south west branch

Bottom: Left to right, Daniel Hooper (BIR membership engagement coordinator), Peter Sharpe, Katharine Thomson, Jenna Millington, Nikki Blackler and Sanjay Gandhi

 Anyone interested in getting involved in the branch or finding out more about future activities should email



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