Distinguished Service Medal for Dr Stephen Davies

David Wilson And Stephen Davies 14.10.2015The Distinguished Service Medal has been awarded to Dr Stephen Davies, past president of the BIR.

Dr David Wilson, President of the BIR, presented the award on 14 October 2015 at a networking event for members and supporters. He paid a heartfelt tribute to Dr Davies, praising his dedication and commitment to the BIR in his term of office.

Dr Wilson said “As President, Dr Davies led the BIR through a period of strategic change, taking some bold tactical decisions in order to make the BIR a sustainable and fit-for-purpose organisation for the 21st century”.

Jacqueline Fowler, Chief Executive, said “Dr Davies was President of the BIR at one of the most challenging times in its history. He shared my ambitious vision for the organisation and there can be no doubt that the BIR would not be in the position it is in today without his leadership and direction. We are truly indebted to him.”

Dr Davies said “I am deeply honoured to receive this award and will cherish it as a key milestone in my professional career. We could only have achieved the transformation of the BIR with the support of trustees, the CEO Jacqueline Fowler and the membership. It was challenging, but we had a clear vision and sense of purpose. The BIR is in a strong position and I am pleased to see the very real progress it has been making with its membership, journals, scientific events and external communications over the last three years. The BIR has successfully transformed into a virtual organisation but importantly with high quality ‘real’ face-to-face meetings and events.”

Dr Davies is Medical Director at Medica Reporting Ltd and has 25 years’ experience as a musculoskeletal and general radiologist in the NHS in South Wales. Amongst his achievements, he is a Harvard Macy Scholar, Harvard Medical and Business School in 2010 and is Visiting Professor at the University of Glamorgan.

Photo: Dr David Wilson (left), President, BIR and Dr Stephen Davies.



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