BIR celebrate at Patron's Lunch

On Sunday 12th June, we were honoured to attend the Patron's Lunch in the Mall to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen's 90th birthday. BIR President, Dr David Wilson and our Chief Executive, Jacqueline Fowler were joined by representatives from our corporate members with lucky staff member Lucy Stewart and BIR volunteer, Sue Marchant. Here they are braving the weather and joining in the celebrations.

JAF and DW   Parade 1








 SM, CM, PS, SGKate


 Images (from top, left to right):

1. Dr David Wilson (President, BIR) and Jacqueline Fowler (Chief Executive, BIR).

2.The parade begins!

3. Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh.

4. Her Royal Highness Duchess of Cambridge mingles with the crowd.

5. Sue Marchant, Charlie McCaffrey (Carestream Health), Peter Sharpe (Cobalt Health) and Subhashis Ghosh (GE Healthcare).

6.Grant Witheridge (Agfa) and Wendy Wilkinson (InHealth).















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