BJR case reports gets recognition for high standards and best practice

BJR case reportsBJR|case reports has been accepted into the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and been awarded the seal of best practice in open access.

DOAJ is a directory of open access journals which indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. Inclusion in the directory is important so that readers and authors know that the journal can be trusted. Being additionally awarded the seal of best practice shows that BJR|case reports is achieving a high level of openness and adhering to best practice and high publishing standards.

BJR|case reports is a multidisciplinary journal for radiology, radiation oncology and all related sciences. It provides clinicians and researchers with unrestricted access to interesting cases and reports with educational value.

The journal has also recently been included in the Web of Science ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index), published by Clarivate Analytics. This is the first step towards the journal being evaluated for an impact factor.

BJR|case reports was launched in August 2014 and uses a continuous publication model. It is published online only on the BIR Publications website

Articles undergo the same rigorous peer review and uphold the same high-quality publication standards asBJR, the BIR’s flagship journal.

Sophia Anderton, Head of Publishing, said, “This is an important milestone for BJR|case reports and highlights the success of the open access service the BIR is able to offer the community”.

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