Special award for top BIR educator

Special award for top BIR educator Dr Gopi Gnanasegaran

Dr Gopinath Gnanasegaran has received a special BIR  “Longstanding Educational Contributor” award for his effort and commitment to education of the multidisciplinary nuclear medicine community. 

Gopi has been a member of the BIR since 2009, soon after he joined the Nuclear and Molecular Imaging Special Interest Group (SIG) , which he chaired from 2010 to 2015. He is now a member of the Leadership and Management SIG and will be Chairing a session in their first event in 2020.  In 2011 he organised the first hugely successful BIR SPECT/CT event , now in its 8th year. Additionally he organised two Theranostics events which were equally well received.

He has been instrumental in producing the PET/CT webinar series alongside Professor Jamshed Bomanji. From inception to completion he has worked tirelessly with the BIR education team in producing this exciting educational resource.

He was presented with his award by Dr Jane Phillips-Hughes at a recent networking event.

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