IRPA consultation on radiation protection

24 June 2020

Please take part in this consultation on Reasonableness in Optimisation of Protection which has been organised by the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA). Closing date 20 July 2020.The subject is fundamental to the practice of radiation protection


In 2017 IRPA published the results of its consultation on the System of Protection. Amongst other issues, this identified concerns of practitioners over the interpretation of what is ‘reasonable’ in applying the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) concept; and that in some cases it has become too cautious and limiting, with a tendency towards an approach of minimisation of exposure rather than exercising a balanced judgement on what is ‘reasonable’.  IRPA followed this up with a programme of work that included several international meetings on the subject.  From this work IRPA identified generic lessons which underpin the process of optimisation of protection for all situations.  To this end they have prepared a draft “IRPA Statement on Reasonableness in Optimisation of Protection”, for which they seek the widest review and comment by the IRPA Associate Societies.

How to participate

Please send your comment to as soon as possible, but no later than 20 July 2020.


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