UKIO Partner Societies join forces

12 June 2023


It was great to see so many members and potential members at UKIO in Liverpool last week. This year, as partner societies of UKIO, we joined forces with the Society and College of Radiographers and the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine for a joint stand which included educational sessions brought together by all three societies.


MembershipLucky visitors to the BIR stand received our sought-after mugs and pens and it was a delight to meet with so many supporters of the BIR.






UKIO School2We were grateful to Temi Ogunjimi, a medical physicist from King’s College Hospital who volunteered to host a stand in the Schools Exhibition, an initiative designed to inspire young people about a career in medical imaging.




 Temi Ogunjimi hosts BIR a stand in the Schools Exhibition.


Professor Steven Keevil_recording_interview

Professor Stephen Keevil, BIR President, records an interview where he explains what the BIR has to offer radiographers and physicists.


Nikki Sheridan, radiographer delivers a presentation on AI to diagnose pathology on chest x-ray.

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