BIR AI Congress in 7th year

9 April 2024

It was a packed event at the IET last month for the 7th BIR AI Congress. 196 delegates were treated to a fascinating programme which kicked off with Dr Amrita Kumar, Chair of the BIR AI and Innovations Special Interest Group with an insightful step-by-step guide on how to set up and fund in the NHS. There were a range of speakers on topics including PET-CT in imaging, AI and Adaptive Radiotherapy, Evaluating AI Technologies, Partnership approach in the NHS and application of AI in international teleradiology. It was a great opportunity to launch the BIR Bayer AI Fellowship (more information below) and to hear more about the new BIR journal  BJR|Artificial Intelligence

One highlight was hearing about the success of AI and breast screening in Scotland with a talk by Dr Gerald Lip who reported on the success of the tool called Mia, developed by Kheiron, which identified tiny signs of breast cancer in 11 women which had been missed by human doctors. This story hit the headline son the day of the event with a BBC news story.

As ever the event was a great networking opportunity for clinicians and we are grateful for the support of corporate sponsors to enable this annual event to thrive. 

Amrita Kumar     Question time

BIR AI & Innovations SIG Chair                         Question and answer session
Dr Amrita Kumar  


Miranda Ashby-Wood     BIR AI abstract award

BIR Co-Head of Publishing (Development)        AI abstract award
Miranda Ashby-Wood



Posters display 


BIR AI Congress networking



AGFA     GE Healthcare

AGFA Healthcare table                                    GE Healthcare table


Deep Health     Qure.AI

 Deep Health stand                                         Qure.AI stand



TMC stand


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