BIR President, Dr Nicholas Screaton presented Professor Margaret Hall-Craggs (Professor of Medical Imaging UCL, and consultant radiologist UCLH), the award at the BIR Annual Congress on 7 November. Having trained in Cambridge then London, she is been an active member of the international MR community, with significant research interest with over 240 publications. Professor Hall-Craggs is currently President of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM).
In her talk she spoke about Sir Godfrey Hounsfield and his work as an electrical engineer working with EMI. The idea of cross sectional CT taken for granted today was his idea and its revolutionised our science.
She discussed her experience of wandering through research and the importance of teamwork and how this has enhanced her research and practices. Successful research only happens with multidisciplinary team work and with involvement of patients and carers. She presented examples of research projects and learnings where multidisciplinary teams were involved.
Margaret Hall Craggs said: “It has been a huge honour to deliver the Sir Godfrey Hounsfield Memorial Lecture, and I would like to highlight the amazing work that the BIR does in bringing together the various disciplines that work within the field of medical imaging.”