It was a riverside view for delegates at the BIR President’s conference on 24 April at Savoy Place in London. The two day event called “Cancer imaging for personalised treatment" boasted a wide range of high profile speakers from across the UK.
Professor Ashley Groves gave the McKenzie Davidson Eponymous lecture which gave new insight into the development of PET/MR in cancer. Later, he was presented the McKenzie Davidson medal in recognition of his achievement in this area.

Image: Prof Ashley Groves presenting the McKenzie Davidson Eponymous lecture.
On day two, Professor Penny Jeggo, gave the Silvanus Thompson Eponymous Lecture “Analysis of DNA damage response to radiation exposure using cell biology and imaging approaches.” She was awarded the Silvanus Thompson Medal for her achievement.
It is a BIR tradition that the President of BIR chooses the topic for the annual conference. BIR President Professor Andrew Jones was delighted by the quality and range of the programme. “Delegates were treated to a wide ranging series of talks by the top experts in the field. It was a deeply educational and inspiring day.”
Image: Delegates networking at the President's Conference.
BIR corporate subscribers Covidien, Envirotect, GE, IEL, Philips, Siemens and Toshiba had exhibits at the Conference.
At an evening reception, the Awards and Medals were presented as follows:
Barclay Prize
Dr Phil Shorvon
Barclay Medal
Dr Dow-Mu Koh
Roentgen Prize
Prof Alastair Munro
Young Investigator Award
Dr Eva Rutkowska
BJR MRRA New Technologies Prize
Dr Yi Xiang Wang**
Philips Student Bursary
Dr Katherine Kenny
Philips Trainee Award for Excellence
Dr K Eley and Team
Stanley Melville Travel Award
Dr Katherine Aitkin
Distinguished Service Medal
Prof Roger Dale
Read more about BIR Prizes and medals here,-awards-and-bursaries/