22 February 2019

New Radiation Safety Advice Sheets
To promote best practice and excellence in Radiation Safety, the BIR has published a series of short advice sheets that provide information on key aspects of radiation safety, explaining why this is important and where to find further information.
There are practical tips and guidance on five aspects of radiation safety, covering Radiation Risks; Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); Keeping Staff Doses ALARP, Top Tips for Equipment Installation and Safety Advice Regarding Non-Medical Referrers.
The sheets have been produced by the BIR Radiation Safety Special Interest Group (SIG) chaired by Peter Hiles, which includes medical physicists, radiographers, radiologists as well as representatives from industry.
The advice sheets will be issued daily in the week commencing 25 February, to coincide with the European Society of Radiology Congress in Vienna and then will be available to download from the BIR Radiation Safety Special Interest Group webpage here https://www.bir.org.uk/get-involved/special-interest-groups/bir-radiation-safety/