7 October 2021
We are thrilled to announce that the BIR won two awards at the recent Memcom award ceremony in central London. The BIR was awarded “Highly Commended” in the Membership Organisation of the Year category and the CEO Leadership Award was won by BIR CEO Simon Thompson.

The Membership Organisation of the Year honours organisations who have gone above and beyond in their service to the professions they represent and society as a whole.
The Institute was also shortlisted for eLearning Initiative of the Year for its popular BIR Video Courses and its Education Team was shortlisted for Team of the Year.
During 2020 and 2021 the Institute played its part in the global effort to tackle COVID-19 by pivoting immediately to online delivery and producing the first global conference on COVID-19 imaging, followed by a series of follow up events, guidance and materials. COVID-19 research was also fast-tracked for publication in BIR journals. All COVID-19 events and materials were provided free of charge.
As well as delivering 38 of its own virtual events the Institute hosted the annual conferences of six fellow medical organisations. Paid membership grew to record levels, from 2,964 to 3,449 members, with 10,274 delegates educated at live events. Recorded educational events, viewable on demand, were viewed 18,841 times over the year, and more than 1.2 million journal papers were downloaded by readers.
The BIR launched its first two major, accredited BIR Video Courses and a ground breaking Posters and Clips platform to accompany major events.
BIR President, Dr Sri Redla, said: “"This is a fantastic achievement and the entire team at the BIR thoroughly deserves this accolade. I was truly impressed with all the hard work and commitment shown by the team, who were quick to adapt and delivered when it mattered most to the profession. Needless to say, I am very proud to be leading and being part of this amazing team!"