The Clinical Imaging SIG is a multidisciplinary group. We welcome radiologists, physicists and radiographers. The group promotes and facilitates teaching and research in clinical radiology and related fields.
The SIG organise one-day meetings on specific topics of current interest.
Latest SIG news – August 2021
- A number of events are in the pipeline for 2022 so watch out for more information on these soon: Rheumatology, Spinal Imaging, Post-treatment imaging, Uroradiology and "The Reset Button".
- BIR Annual Congress 2021 – this will now take place online 4/5 November 2021. As usual, this SIG has contributed to the excellent programme with a stream on MSK with trauma. Check out the full programme by clicking on the link above.
- Call-out for BIR conference review editors – the BIR are looking for volunteers to review abstract submissions for BIR events.
- If you haven’t already, do take advantage of the BIR’s excellent video courses. Currently we have two courses available to purchase, with special rates for BIR members: Radiation Safety 2021 and Dose 2021.
- You can now watch events that you may have missed with pay-to-view in the Online Learning Library. BIR Members enjoy special rates.
- BJR Impact Factor – this has increased by an astonishing 38% from 2.196 to 3.039.